How to make a working train in Gimkit, (Im lacking answers)

that made me even more lost just give a simple explanation will ya?

To summarise what he is saying is, it may discourage you to do animation due to it being tedious

so no one has figured out a way so far on Gimkit and the Gimkit Forums on how to make a train that contains animation that’s able to carry players

no no we know how and it is possible to have the players the animation just has to be very clean

then could you link the guide (my main reason for even creating this)

Do you not understand?

The guides I gave you and from others should be enough.
If you want to try animation, that’s completely fine.
Just tell us if you need anything else.

Yes, you are right…
stuff like that isn’t easy…
you’re more than welcome to look at some animation guides and see them yourself…

and or everytime the train moves theres a teleporter that keeps you tping into train to simulate being on train

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so the guides show me how to make a working animated train that is able to carry players

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I’m outta here trying to help. Suggesting you read those guides before posting further.

No, they don’t— just how to make them move, is all.
@Gimkitsuggestor is giving you some other ideas. But I’m outta here.
:v: peace out…

yknow what if you need I can make a guide later on player movement with animation if you need

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that’s the thing- I’m asking for the guides…


you could use the ladder animation, but make it for train?

read the title of the topic

Yes! And we’ve given you enough!
I’m sorry that we aren’t able to make trains that are able to carry passengers yet, but just look at some other guides in the meantime…


Just mark a solution I can make a guide on players being carried
were starting to get a bit too far into such an easy solution


Thank you so much everyone for the time and consideration given to help me with uhh- (Working animated trains lol)

I’ll mark a solution now,
Bye, and always be nice!

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you can use teleporters to carry the player with the train

I just said that bro