How to Make a Working Keyboard (Difficulty: ⬛)

The reason I deleted it is because even after the poll, people kept bringing up the difficulty. I didn’t really care at first, until random people that had no idea it even existed started talking about it. As more and more people started discussing all the time, I became increasingly frustrated, until I created a reply to please ask people to stop. It did for a while, until someone decided to come, A MONTH LATER, and bump the guide talking about how it didn’t deserve it’s RATING WITH 3 TIMES MORE VOTES THAN THE SECOND PLACE. I decided I was done with the guide, and therefore deleted it.


Sorry about anything that made you annoyed and frustrated in this topic. Like @mysz said, you can mark a solution to avoid any more clutter here.

Thanks. I’ll choose when I have more time. I’m sad about two months of my life though. Maybe one day I can return it. :sob:

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I know the feeling. It sucks to make something that no one else will probably ever make, self-rate it as very hard, then a former Gimvenger or a TL3 walks in, has a differing opinion, and the masses are swayed in their favor.


Thank you so much!!!

Yeah, I get it too. Back when you’re newer, it hurts.

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I’m so lucky i’m at school and it’s blocked ._.

bump because this guide is really good! so many pictures and great explanations!

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@WingWave I know it is of the wishes of the owner (what) to delete this guide, even if they are suspended permanently.


Oh, ok. I thought this was a pretty good guide, and others would want to see it. Sorry about that.

This is pretty difficult to make, but it is worth it! Nice guide @Apoll02!


Welcome to the forums! @KingT-Race!

Don’t forget to check out the new-user-must-read and forum-tips tag.

The Community Made Guides category is also very useful, posts there give you a gist of the rules and mechanics in Gimkit Creative.

While you’re at it, I suggest also reading the

TOS and FAQ.

If you need help with anything, just ask!

After all, this is a Community Forum :slight_smile: !

Is there anything you need help with?


Thanks! I need help with making a fully functional basketball game with different probabilities of making the shot. Maybe I can use blocks to set a chance of making the shot and if it is a certain number, the shot goes in?


Welcome to the forum!


Any tips on how to do that? Or maybe there is already a community guide on that.

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I might use an idea like this to make my soccer game! Thanks!


I will make a guide if I figure out how to do this.

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This SOOOOOOOO long, but thank you for adding so many pics!

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How would I make it so that a property is a random number between 1-10?


You’d use variables for that.

Trigger Blockcode:

Set [Variable] to random integer from # to #

if [Variable] >,<,= # 
do Broadcast Message On Channel “randomeventidk”

else if [Variable] >,<,= #
         do Broadcast Message On Channel “randomeventidk2”