How to make a working fountain in gimkit

so hi today for the third time im posting a barrier guide i recently was told that my fish guide was half baked so im going to make something the qaulity of my sword one
more barriers
hopefully this will help for people who want to make games and need props

step 1:so the first thing you will do is place down a light blue circle
set the alpha to .60 turn the borders off

step 2: now underneath add a gray slightly bigger circle and set alpha to 1

step3: add a anvil and set its size to about this

step 4 make sure the blue barrier isnt visible on game start

step5:now add a button and wire it to the blue circle like this

step 6 add another barrier to make it look like its prouting water with same settings as circle and wire it do this 3 times

and your done hope fully this is good for you if its bad all i have to say is my motivation went down after someone commented on my last post

guide rating

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I don’t think this should be In CMG, I’ll help you move it to art.

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thanks is the guide good

I would add a poll to see what the other forumers think!

I’l give it a solid 7/10

Sebarex this isn’t a bad guide and don’t feel down, if you keep continuing to make guides, you’ll get better! 8/10.

thanks this really helps my motivation

no its just someone commented something thats kinda rude and it hurt but thanks

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It wasn’t really rude, technically, but I can see what you mean.

Anyways, this is a cool guide! Kinda short, but you put the effort in.
Maybe you could animate it? Like, first the first drop, then the second, and then the third?

good idea might try that

Is the rating difficulty or quality?

That seems a little generic, but if that’s the case, then uh @sebarex maybe don’t vote yourself?

It could get really complex, though. Making something like Yoyo’s 3D library is a lot harder then making a two dimensional diamond fish.

like do you like it or not

Quality, as all art guides are 0/10.

Yeah, but think about it. It’s just placing and resizing barriers and props! The IDEA is simple.

I actually made that, and it looks great, but the materials are simple.

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(post deleted by author)

would it be ok if i made like a barrier crab for like an aqaurium or something

Make whatever, and edit this guide would be my suggestion. What I’m saying is, work a little harder before you post. Thanks for attempting to make guides, but if they’re gonna be like this, maybe don’t post them at all.


Nice Guide! Keep up the good work!