How to make a working 4-digit code! Difficulty: 3/10

Idea: Since each digit is its own property, that means you can also create text device hints that change based on them! So essentially, you can create a cheat-proof escape room!

That is a cool idea!

@Dragons_Bane Bump! Great guide. I made something really similar to this in my Simplified Dungeon Crawler guide. Do you mind if I add a link to yours under it?

I haven’t read this yet but I need to use this, hope it works :crossed_fingers:
(How would I do it with 5 digits?)

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5 properties
5 counters
5 triggers/buttons

5 checks

add another property thing part, and maybe make it check 5 digits instead of 4

yea cello jsut answered

Oh, wait, I don’t wanna use counters. I wanna use just words, like under each button, then they have to click the order, how would I do that?

No, just like they click this button first, then this button next. They need to get the exact rotation correct, or is that what this is?

Why a counter? I don’t want digits, I have buttons that need to be clicked in a certain order. For example, I have 5 buttons with labels, and they need to be clicked correctly in that order, like button 1 first, then button 3, but if the order is messed up, they respawn

@eiqcrmeliutgwhc, we could switch pfps!

like 1 2 3 4 5?

maybe you need to use a Property. If player clicked this while the property is at this, then move on maybe?

Use a text device, make the counters not visible in game
The exact same thing

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so, button. And counter and checker. Every time a button is clicked, add one to the counter. If it’s equal tow hatever on the counter correct, next one maybe. not very sure, just trying to help out.