How to Make a Warranty System for Your Items [ 🟨 5/10]

Welcome to my 9th guide!

So you know how sometimes when you buy something, it comes with a warranty? Basically what that means is that if you loose or break the thing you bought, then you can go back to the store and they’ll give you a new one! So how do we move this system into Gimkit? Well, I’ve made a way to do this, no block code required!

What we're making


This list is sorted first by the greatest number of devices to the least, then by how much memory they use.

Counter Ă—4 (100 memory)
Vending machine Ă—2 (250 memory)
Trigger Ă—2 (80 memory)
Item granter Ă—2 (70 memory)
Checker Ă—2 (70 memory)
Button Ă—1 (50 memory)
Lifecycle Ă—1 (50 memory)
Property Ă—1 (10 memory)
Total memory: 680 :+1:

Note that all triggers and counters will be hidden and all triggers will also not be triggerable by player collision.

Let’s build it!

Setting your items

First thing’s first, you must have this setting enabled in your map options:

You will also want to set the respawn behavior for items and for resources to delete if you decide to use any of those in this system.

You can use whatever items you want and grant them any way you want, but vending machines are probably the best option for granting the item.
Get a vending machine and set the item and the appearance to what suits you.
Make the vending machine broadcast on these channels:

Notice how we use the “Purchased item 1” channel. We will change the number if we ever want to add any other items.

Next, make a property. Call it “Item with warranty” and change these settings:

Now add a counter. Set the starting value to 1.

Make it set the “Item with warranty” property that we just made.

And finally, make it reset when receiving on channel, “Purchased item 1”.

This little trick will immediately set the property to 1.

Now, we can copy our vending machine and counter for as many items as we want. In this guide, we’ll focus on just using 2, just be sure when copying the devices that you increase the “Purchased item” in both the vending machine and counter channels, and the starting value of the counter by 1. If you add 1 more vending machine and counter, this is what the settings should look like for both:
Vending machine:


Warranty countdown

If you’re new to the technical side of Gimkit, one of the simplest concepts is trigger loops. They’re a lot more memory [1] efficient than repeaters, and you can use more of them in a map. We’re going to use a trigger loop for this system.

Add a counter. We will use this as our countdown. Set it to whatever number you want.

In case you're bad at math

If you want to make your counter run in minutes but are bad at math, use this simple equation that you can put into a calculator:
m represents minutes and s represents seconds.
Put in s as your counter’s starting value.

For example, I want to make my warranty last for 2 minutes. Make m=2.
Now, I would put 120 in the starting value of my counter.

For my system, I put 60 (1 minute) however, I would recommend a longer time for longer games.

Make the counter decrement when receiving on “Warranty loop” and make the count scope for the player.

Give the counter a target value of 0, and when it reaches the target, broadcast on “Warranty expired”.

Last, have the counter reset when receiving on “Start warranty countdown”.

Now we’ll add the trigger for our loop. Give it these settings:

Deactivate the trigger when receiving on “Warranty expired” and set the active scope to player.

Get a counter with a starting value of 0.

Make it update the “Item with warranty” property.

Get a trigger with these settings:

Wire the trigger to the counter and have the trigger reset the counter.

And now the countdown is finished!

Claiming your warranty

Get a lifecycle that listens for when the player is knocked out.

Now get a checker and give it these settings:

Wire the lifecycle to the checker.

Now get a button and give it these settings:

Get another checker with these settings:

Wire the button to the checker:

Now get the 2 item granters and set them to grant the items you used.
Wire the checker to the first item like this:

Now wire the checker to the second item like this:

Now you’re finished! But what if you have more than 2 items? You’ll need as many checkers as items you have minus 1. Let’s say we have 3 items. You’ll get another checker with these settings:

Notice how I increased the number to check if the property is equal to 2.
Wire the first checker to the second checker:

Now wire the first checker to the 2 remaining item granters:

Now that you know how to grant the items, you can add as many items as you want!

Congratulations, you’ve finished your warranty system! Can’t wait to see what amazing contraptions you come up with using this system.

Make it your own!

Welcome to the “Make it your own” section of the guide, the latest addition to my guides where I give small challenges to add on to the system and improve your Gimkit Creative knowledge.

Add a warning: make a system using a notification device that sends a warning when your warranty is about to expire.

Add a timer: use an overlay to display how much time is left on your warranty.

Remove the wires: replace all wires used in this guide with broadcasts to save memory.

Only allow a warranty on 1 item at a time: disable all vending machines when you purchase an item with a warranty and reactivate them when the warranty expires.

Happy building! —Fulcrum-19

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  1. You found the easter egg! :egg: What should you do? Replay saying how much you like (or hate) this guide and put an egg emoji at the end of your reply! We’re totally gonna ignore the fact that I forgot to do this in the last 2 guides :skull: ↩︎


Amazing guide! I love this idea and definitely gonna use it in my game!

1 Like

I brain cant really process this but great guide tho!

Good Guide!

ah yes soon we will have capitalism, inflation,
and all the necessary things for a full money system with taxes acct statements dues and balances and interest and all of this in a game with content meant for kids under 7
but is recomended for 13 year olds
i mean hey even 13 year olds gotta pay taxes eh?


“What about communism, comrade?”


we dont talk about dat o.o
not since the uhhhhhhhhh (i frogot)

But it is OUR problem, comrade.


Sorry, there is just no way this is a 6/10, it doesn’t even use block code…


Amazing guide! :egg:

  1. am i the only one who noticed? ↩︎


Someone thats actually awake…? A lot of the timezones in GKCF are asleep rn

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I’m on PS[1]T, so that probably explains it.

  1. Or D or whatever ↩︎


Its 8:56 for you??? Its midnight for alot of us…

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guys although the wierd deleting guide issue already happened lets not take our chances by (actually) chatting

For ALOT of us not all of us

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cool ninth guide!
its Tropi-cool approved!

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Amazing guide!
and it is very easy to understand


This is a nice guide! :egg:

It looks reasonably expandable except for that timer as well!