How to make a touch to collect item system (🟩)

So you wanna make a touch to collect system? Well you’ve come to the right post (I hope this is a one-of-a-kind post). This may not be the best way to do this but I used Lua (basically Robloxes coding system) and this would be the best way to do this is in Lua

What you'll need
  • 1 Item Granter
  • 1 Item Image
  • 1 Zone

To deactivate lasers (For my game you needed to deactivate a laser)

  • 1 Checker
  • 1 Trigger
  • 1 laser (or anything) You can use channels but as I said I’m new to this so idk how to use channels properly (from what I understand is that it sends a message/output and something else receives it and does something
Step 1

I will be using a Gold Key for this.
Put you item image in the zone and re-size it until its as close to the size as possible

Step 2

Use a channel (I’m using the Zone in this screenshot)

(sorry for not having a good description)
Now use that same channel to grant the item (Grant Item is used in this)

Use the same Channel to deactivate zone (Zone again is used in this)

Use that same Channel again for the Item Image (Item Image is used in this)

To deactivate lasers

Bonus Step 1

Wire something to the Trigger so that it triggers then wire the trigger to the zone

Bonus Step 2

The Checker uses only one Check

Wire the Trigger to the checker

Now Wire the Checker to the Laser

And your done!
Sadly I can’t build polls yet so type in your rating


I got you with the poll!
No repeater!

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I forgot to add something this but make the trigger run every 0.5-1 seconds (kinda like a repeater but better ig) (also the difficulty is on what I think it is for me)

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Bruh use a trigger loop.

Decent, could probably be better / more memory efficient.

Good for games that have small amounts of required item collects

Zone (on enter) → Item Image (Deactivate)
Zone (on enter) → Item Granter (grant)
Zone (on enter) → itself (deactivate)

all of that can be done with one channel.


I’ll try to update this guide with one channel only

Use triggers instead of zones for memory purposes