How to make a text randomizer

How to make a text randomizer

just so you know this has block code so if you don’t know how to use it you might not be able to make it :slight_smile:


Block Code

step 1

first make a text device
second make a button
in the button make it broadcast change text, like this!
Button - Change Text
then in the text device make a block receiving on channel change text.

Step 2 (Block Code)

in the block in the text device
make a variable called text
then set it to random integer between anything ( i did 1-3 )
then make a if do thing, and put as many as your number earlier.
in the first section of the if do thing make it where if text = 1
set text to create text with and put what you want to make the text, and then put that same thing in all the other parts but change the number and the text it creates and your done!!!
Block Code

Sorry if it was a bit confusing!

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this has already been made


Sorry i did not know that it was already made :frowning:

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Could you please give some constructive criticism? It’s quite rude to talk down to someone, but give little reasoning or feedback.


make sure to search and see if its already been made before making the guide


ok i will Search Harder next time.

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This has already been created, please make sure to look before you post a guide.

If you’re still in a guide-making mood, make sure to check out my guide!

Yes metal_sonic, no need to ask twofoursixeight t close this.

I would also like to include the guide length! (please don’t be offended)

  • Length of guide: 2/10
  • Humor: 0/10
  • Images: 10/10