Thank you so much!!!
PM Attempt?
PMs are disabled on the forums.
doesn’t look like a PM.
I think he’s just asking for help.
how do you know it’s a dupe topic though?
is it like a regular-only thing?
It could be, or more likely a “thank you” for attempting to help
It’s an attempt to send an private message/personal message.
dang yall are fast
Still a dupe topic, just post on the original topic.
If you have a topic open, ask the question on there.
What is A PM Attempt???
Private Message attempt.
I don’t think it is one, though.
mainly because you don’t know what it is.
A “personal message”, essentially a topic only you and the person you PM can see.
the only group you can PM are the moderators.
OK, thank you guys!!!
I’d suggest marking a solution, and then forgetting this ever happened, then moving back to the other topic.
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