How to make a storm, like in fortnite? [RESOLVED]

I need help with this because I’m making a battle royale game, but i dont want people to just camp on the edge, so i need a storm that takes away health if a player is in it, and a safe zone in the middle that gradually gets smaller as time goes on


Use a zone, and then when a player enters have them be damaged?

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That’s the thing we don’t know how to decrease hp without using sentry’s

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Or lasers. I tried making a health adder with negative value, but it did not work.

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You could have many lasers on the edge of the map, and they turn on one by one.


To do this it would take quite a few zones, however it could be worth it. Here are the steps:

  1. Place zones around the border of the map and set them to be off when the game starts

  2. Have a repeater that activates every few minutes (this is what is slowly advancing the zone)

  3. Set up a property that is increased when the repeater activates

  4. Have a checker that checks if the property is a value of one, if so it activates a few of the zones

  5. If someone steps in the zone have them activate a respawn device or team switcher

  6. Have the checker continue to check to see if the values are increasing and with each increment more zones should be activated.

Here is the requested screenshot:

Imagine that the zones in that 3x3 grid over there is your map, when the repeater is activated every few minutes it increases a property (not shown in image), also when the repeater activates it triggers a trigger which checks the property value, if the value is one it activates the zones which when activated and a player steps into them the player is knocked out (using the respawn device).

Hope this helped!


can u show a screenshot as an example? im having trouble following

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Well actually, you can make a small zone in a bigger zone in a bigger zone, as only the top-layer zone settings count. Then connect to a health remover (We are having bugs with removing health, negative health isn’t working.

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Thanks! Also, when you say “‘We’ are having bugs”, I’m assuming that means that you’re on the gimit team, so I wanted to request that you guys could make the max zone size bigger, because my map is pretty big. Thanks again!

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also, that wouldn’t work, because I need the storm to start on the edges of the map and gradually close in towards the middle, so there would be an eye of the storm. It would be ideal to also include a waypoint for the safe zone (AKA eye of the storm). So your idea would work for the waypoint and constantly-changing eye of the storm.

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Well actually, you can make a checker so that whenever someone enters/exits a zone it runs a checker to detect if a property (one connected to a timer, of course) is > than whenever you want that zone to start removing health and check if you are not in the ‘safe zone’ (tracked by a true/false property, use the blocks to keep changing the zones that activate it) and if they both pass, it relays that to a repeater (that stops whenever the check fails) to message to a health granted to remove health. Also, no. I am not on the Gimkit team.


I did, but how could I implement lasers into it instead? b/c the zones arent working with removing health

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I am making a battle royal map

The questions I have:

How do you make them damage player?
How do you make in move?
How do you make a timer the time runs out the storm move?

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This guide should be helpful!

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You could use a flickering zone instead that deals damage.

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Can there be a way to say this in a lower class way lol I am so confused even with the blocks

Please don’t bump help guides like this.

And as far as I know, the easiest way to do this is with blocks.

I know I just need more detail with it and if he doesnt want to answer thats ok!

This is a help guide. This person didn’t know how to either. They aren’t active anymore. If you need help, make a Help topic

ok thx! I think I might (I dont think I really need it anymore tho so…)