How to make a robot tank

Here I will explain how to make a robot (police tank)

I will list things that are needed

  • 4 big space containers
  • 7 normal space containers
  • a big camera
  • 6 tires
  • 4 ceramic plates
  • one small ceramic plate
  • a big metal pole
  • and a golden small shield
    Now lets get working
Part 1

grab four Big Space containers and put them together like in the picture

Part 2

grab 4 normal space containers and put them like in the picture

Part 3

Now grab 3 normal containers and put them like in the picture

Part 4

grab six tires and put them like in the picture

Part 5

now I am going to leave it to Timmy
Aww. its looks like timmy doesn’t want to do it, well then I will do it myself then

well, grab 4 ceramic plates and put them like in the picture

Part 6

now grab a pole and the ceramic plate (small) like in the picture

Part 7

Now grab a big white camera and a shield and put them like in the picture

D-O-N-E. Hope that everyone enjoys it
but vote if you want me to do a military robot tank

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Nice Tank !

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I agree! keep up the good work! :+1:


Great work! Now I challenge you to make it functional!

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use this:

It would take a lot of wire repeaters tho
Just letting you know

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some barriers would be nice so the body is not all space containers

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