How to make a podium that shows players names

step .1
place down make a podium like this

it does not need to look exactly like this
step two
click the text device that is on first place and go to blocks
and click when receiving channel

name it first place
once created find these blocks and place them like this

make the channel first place
then place a zone that will be your finish line
when play enters zone transmit on channel like this

start game and test it
when you walk in to the zone the text should display your name
(make shur to make the zone visible so you can see it in game)

as you can see my name is now in first place the rest is simple just rince and repete
for second place do the exact same thing but change the channel to second place do the same with third do third place for the channle
side note: place down a zone down for each blocl


oops missed clicked not done yet

Nice, I can use this for my game SmackDown… Also first post :>

Oh, okay. No one reply, until it’s done.
Oh, and @speedythegamedesiner, just tell us when it’s done.

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Tip that I learned from @Slim (can you close this, by the way?):

Don’t enter the title until you’re done or add a word like “illegal” in the body- it will not be able to post.

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ok I’m done now.
tell me how I did

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a lot of people could use this!!

(i would say nice guide but there is a button for that)

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i really like this guide (it helps me a lot)

ok thanks I will try to make sure to do that next time just encase I miss lick

misclick, sorry, but i cant just stop looking at that.

Yeah, this is really good! Thanks for adding pictures.
The only thing I would say is to maybe make the text look better, but that’s not a major issue.