How to make a list show up when clicked the overlay button

The game I am making requires players to collect several items to complete it. I want to create a popup to show what players have collected when they click the overlay button.

Simply wire the overlay to the popup.

Place an inventory item manager, set it to the item/s you want to manage. Place a property, make it a number type (make sure the scope is set to player and starting value is 0) Make the inventory item manager update that property you made.

Now wire your overlay to your popup (button pressed → run wire pulse block) and go to the blocks of the popup.

Lastly wire the game overlay to a wire repeater (button pressed, send wire pulse)
Wire the wire repeater to the popup (wire pulse sent, open popup)

Ps: make sure to put a space between “amount of item” so that it looks better

Set Header create text with Get Property "Itemamount"
 Amount of item

this will only show how many the players have collected.

But isn’t that exactly what the OP [1] said?

  1. original poster ↩︎

Hi, I may not have described my question clearly. Players need to collect several items, so I would like the presentation to be similar to the screenshot. Currently, I am using a popup call to action device, but it’s would be a button. I’m wondering if there’s a better way to achieve this.

Alrighty, you can change the text of a popup call to action, right?

(i dont have season ticket)

Yes, but it can’t be displayed in text. Maybe this is the best way so far?

Well, you could wire the game overlay to a checker to make two checks if the player’s item is equal to [number] and if the check passes, it would open a different popup but that depends on your game and it could be quite memory consuming

And well, you could also use if do else sequence in blocks

if [property] = [num]
do broadcast message on channel "popup1"
else if [property] = [num]
do broadcast message on channel "popup2"

hang on, can you show me the yellow category of the blocks part of the pop-up call to action device?

the popup call to action device doesn’t have the blocks part

ah. that . . . complicates things.

i was hoping you could use blocks to set the text, but apparently, no.

ehhh this might take a little bit of memory.
do they have to collect the items in a specfic order?

Nope, they don’t have to collect in specific order

Okay, this is difficult.

Honestly, my best idea is for it to tell you when you press the call to action.

Thanks for your response!

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