How to make a (improved!) working opening & closing door with ONE button in Gimkit! (Difficulty: 1/10 or šŸŸ©)

Attempt 2: Hey there, guys! Welcome to my New and Improved Version of how to make a working opening & closing door with ONE button! Letā€™s get right into it!

What you need

1 button (device), something to use for the door (prop or device), and 1 counter (device).
Here is an image for clarity.

(Look at top left ) Do you see something :wink: ?? (lame easter egg somewhere)

Device Settings

Counter: Click it and use set the target value to 2
Here is an image for clarity:

Wiring (basically everything else)

Wire 1:

Wire 2:

Wire 3 (last one):

Vote HONESTLY of how good this tutorial is:
  • Outstanding!
  • Great!
  • Good!
  • Okay!
  • Fair!
  • Poor
  • Bad
  • Trash
  • GET OUT (You hate me, donā€™t you?)
0 voters
Vote HONESTLY of how difficult this tutorial is:
  • 0/10 (TOO EASY)
  • 1/10
  • 2/10
  • 3/10
  • 4/10
  • 5/10
  • 6/10
  • 7/10
  • 8/10
  • 9/10
  • 10/10 (You hate me, donā€™t you?)
  • 11/10 (Now you actually hate me)
0 voters

And thatā€™s it! If you still have questions please, go ahead and ask them and I will be able to answer them. Thank you and stay humbled! Peace out homies! :wink:


Iā€™m pretty sure everybody knows how to do this.
good guide ig

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  1. This exact guide has been replicated identically MULTIPLE times in the forums, and literally everybody knows how to do this WITHOUT a guide to tell them how.
  2. You donā€™t even need the counter. Just have two buttons and two barriers that ā€œopenā€ and ā€œcloseā€ the door.
    Cool guide, I guess, but please make something original instead of basically recycling old posts. You even admitted that this is just a revamp of an old post you made.

Thatā€™s about it.


As LandynSPEEDO802 said this has been done before and most people know how to do it.
If you are just wanting to make a guide and not necessarily doing it for any system, simply just to make a guide. Donā€™t just do it for anything, instead, look across forums and ask yourself, is this something everyone knows how to do?, is this a duplicate guide? is the answer to these questions is no, then make the guide.


All the other guides had their pictures deleted, and this one actually (sorta) explains it. Not worth closing though imo.

Also, 0/10 is mostly used for art.


Itā€™s supposed to have 1 button, LOOK at the title.

I made that tutorial when I first joined the forums ok? Itā€™s really trash, and I thought of remastering it into something I can actually read.

Hey, donā€™t tell him that this guide isnā€™t useful. Back before I had an account, I was scrolling everywhere for these types of guides!

Here is my old trash tutorial for the people who like trashy tutorials:

Everyone please do not change the title or anything. Thank you.
Iā€™m talking to you @Halloween_Coster.

this doesnā€™t need forum-beginners or gimkit-beginners at all
forum-beginners is for forum guides, like the rules and tags page
and gimkit-beginners is for guides helping new GKC user, like how to place devices or what they do


This is basic knowledge to help them, so Iā€™ll only put Gimkit beginners.

Nah, youā€™re better off without that. Gimkit beginners is for either really simple concepts or common and easy mechanisms/how to place devices, 101s, intros to topics, that kind of thing.

This just happens to be easy. That doesnā€™t necessarily make it a beginner subject.

What do you mean by that? Did I do something wrong?


You did nothing, words are empty threats.

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What do you mean by this?

What could you do to turtle? This is a virtual website.