@BOB2 can you tell me the dimensions of the big signs so i know how to actually fit the correct sizes?
humvee is short for Humm3r, there are only 3 editions of humm3rs, H1’s H2’s and H3’s. I am not sure what that is but it is for sure not a Humm3r. appearently you cant say humm3r without a 3.
ik it’s a humvee lol. i need the dimensions of the big signs for the humvee lol
the one big side, i can’t tell you exactly but to get the close size make the about 2 gims wide, 2 gims tall. So use a sentry to measure.
i just looked on my Creative map (unpublished due to insufficient funds, time, knowledge) and i couldn’t shrink/grow my sign. so i think @BOB2 got the 2 big sign dimensions wrong. i also cant rly measure in sentrys lol
you can’t? it should be a thing when you click the prop and look at the bottom left of you screen you see a button labled “Change size”. Click that and drag to scale. I think it is 2 by 2 gims because if you look at his gim its in the middle and it is about half agim on each side from the end of the sign. And its a square which means all sides are the same.
thats the settings i mean this.
That blue button on the bottom left of the screen, the light blue one.
this is a VERY NICE guide! (Seems very military-like, man I need to cook on my next guide) (Sneak peek of the picture I will base it on
This is great!
ohhh yeah forgot that was there. i wish they’d actually put it in with the shadows or whatever. yep, i see it. just need to figure out how big it should be compared to sentry(ies)
man, we gonna start a “war” (chill, it’s fake) with our military vehicles now?
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Oops…. Sorry, I changed it.
Your good, i was just letting you know for the future.
so, using a wooden ruler on my chromebook (hypothetically), how would ik the actual dimensions?
Measure any two sides (length, width or height) of the sign in order to get a two-dimensional measurement. the measurement being the one side and the other side, also can be said as 2 inches by 2 inches.
gotcha, after my science assignments, i’ll get to it. heck, maybe after im done, i may post a screenshot on here!
No, but I do need to make some more military vehicles for my map (it is an infection map so they are kinda needed)
ahh, the walking dead type of vibes, i see. that’s actually a pretty gud idea tbh.