How to make a house shop

Here are the materials you will need: first, of course build a place for it, and you’ll need some 100 size texts with emojis in them, you’ll need vending machines, checkpoints, teleporters, and of course, wires. Optional: item used as key
So, first, put how ever many vending machines as there are going to be houses. Next, you’ll need to go into settings for the vending machine. Make it cost however many cash, then make it so that it’s not visible in-game. Then, make the vending machine deactivate when someone purchases it, and make the availability scope global.

Now, you only need to make it transmit on a channel if you aren’t giving the player a key for the house are something. Next, make the vending machine connect to the teleporter where the house is.

Next(this is optional) you can put a picture of the house like this, and this is where the emoji comes in.
The emoji can be whatever you want, as long as it resembles a house. So can the terrain, which should be wall terrain, specifically. If you want, you can put a description on the vending machine, too, but it’s optional. And if the emoji is something like a rowhouse or an apartment, then you can put a number in the corner so that people know that they’re not purchasing the same house as another that’s in the shop. Next, do that however many houses there are, and if you haven’t already, make the houses so that people actually spent their money on something, and if you don’t want someone hogging all of the houses at once, you can make it so that when someone buys one house, then they buy another one, the first one activates again when they buy the second vending machine. And that’s all I have for the guide, and you can make minor changes, as long as the device settings are all the same, and you should also add some props.

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this is nice! should probly make the houses tho.

Nice guide!

I forgot to mention, you should probably rename the vending machine.

And you should also make it so that the vending machine makes the door open to the house

This is a nice Guide!