I Don’t Want To Make The Green Hand It’s self, just the mechanic that lets you carry a mechanical charge.
probably something with a counter and property, but I’m not smart enough to to figure this out
are you trying to make the green hand too, or just the electrical charge?
Do you mean the blue and red hand thing from Poppy Playtime? I’ve never played the game but I’ve watched YouTube video about it, and I’ve never heard of a green hand
Probably a bunch of zones and barriers…
Place the zones consecutively so that when they walk like, 2 meters, it transfers the hand to where they are now…
No clue what else to tell you.
If you need the red and blue hands, here’s a guide
I Made it but the problem is that images don’t work
If you’re trusting to make the blue and/or red hands from poppy playtime, you could make some props that take damage and have 1 health, then have the hand be a gadget you could use to hit the prop. That way, you could activate something else when the prop got destroyed
*trying, not trusting, autocorrect
You could just use a gadget as a grabpack and a damageable props as the target
Maybe use lifecycles or counters to make a barrier move?
I am not trying to make the red and blue hand, just the mechanic that transfers energy
Just the electrical charge mechanic
I can 100% make this (i say as im going to probably struggle perfecting unnecessary bits tomorrow)
Should be easy enough
@Neon11 What type of features do you want? As somebody that doesn’t know Poppy Playtime, it would be helpful if you told me what type of features you want. :D
Also I didn’t read the replies so please tell me if there is something I missed
I might make a guide on how to do this sometime
There is a green hand that is showcased in later chapters. It is used for certain areas that transfer electricity to activate doors.
alrighty working on it now
this is with a timer and button cool down equal to the power retainment timer
if you want a specific amount of power to be tranferred before the number reaches below the req then just ask me :3
and yeah it was simple (repeater haters bout to vaporize me o_o) but feel free to modify and optimize it how you want
I am using the slingshot as the grabpack. When you destr0y a prop, you get an electrical charge that lasts for 6 seconds. while you have the electrical charge, It gives the player a damage boost so they know they have an electrical charge (it makes the player glow red).
I was trying to make it so if you destr0y the prop, you gain the electrical charge, and when you fire the gadget while having an electrical charge at the receiver prop, it opens the door.
The problem with this was that if you didn’t do it in the right amount of time, the props wouldn’t respawn. Also, you could just fire at the receiver prop and it wouldn’t open the door, but the player would be stuck.
Do you have any ideas how to fix this?
Props dont respawn regardless
If you activate them while they’re destroyed it wont work the second part i’d have to see how it works completely
Also nice idea for the energy transfer visual effect