How to make a game end when you are knocked out by a certian sentry

look above

You will need a end game device, and that certain sentry.

Sentry Knocked Out -> End Game

The title says Knocked out by a certain sentry lol.


I didn’t see his mistake lol

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Use the Knock out device for sentry.

gtg fn

Wait i think there actually isn’t a way to do it exactly like that

like to make the game end when you are knocked out by a certain sentry

Just end game device is set to when… oh wait I see what your saying um okay so the only way I can see is if you have a zone around the sentry so when they enter the zone it activates a repeater that goes to checker and checks if has red seed and ko manager checks if you and gives you red seed but there is a repeater active from start that goes to item granter and grants you -1 red seed until receives on the enter zone channel which will deactivate but it reactivates when player leaves zone. Now end game device picks up the channel of the checker.

Basically if in the firing range of sentry and you it ends game

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ig a zone, when enter zone - +1 counter (player scoped)
leave zone -1 counter
then when u die - +1
counter target = 2

lol we posted same idea at same time

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can you include images of settings plz