How to Make a Credit Card System! Berkian Style! šŸ’³ Difficulty 5/10

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Welcome to another guide! Today weā€™ll make a credit card system!

:warning: This system still has some bugs in it, but I think it deserves to be published just because of how :star2: Awesome :star2: it is!
:warning: Block intensive in some parts

Why I made this

Now, for centuries (however long discovery and the forums lasted), they involved simple ways of earning money, finishing quests, destroying enemies, and discovering secret lands. And you used the money to buy items.

Now, I was looking at this stuff, and thought, Hey! Wouldnā€™t it be fun if I made the money system a little more realistic? , and so my quest to make a credit system began. I also thought it would be more fun, since alot of guides about games were like:

Donā€™t make it simple! Make it intensive and exciting to make sure your players have fun and not bored out!

Obviously, the money system has remained virtually the same, and I thought it was about time to, if not bring about a change, then offer another system for use.

QC: Quick Check, Iā€™ll use this to explain a real life situation to compare it with the items in Gimkit.

Now letā€™s get into it!

Our Goal
I just wanted to state what we want to achieve before we actually start.

  • Create an Updated Credit Card:
    We want to be able to have the card updated whenever we spend money or when we pay back our owed money. We also want the card money, and a card + interest property.
  • Interest:
    For this, we want a countdown on payments that checks to see if we havenā€™t paid back our money! There should be various statements that check all the possible scenarios. We want it to calculate the interest and add it to the card money owed.
  • Information:
    Now, this isnā€™t that important, but if you want warnings, you should take this! Weā€™ll make notifications that let us know when itā€™s time to pay, how much we owe, if we didnā€™t pay, and the interest owed if we fail to pay.

What you could add
Now, this is a new guide on something that hasnā€™t been talked a lot about, so I myself went to go on as much as I could see fit possible, but thereā€™s other things you can add too make it more realistic!

  • IDā€™s:
    Technically, in the real world, every card has a unique ID, that letā€™s the bank know who is paying for something. I would suggest checking out getrithekdā€™s guide on IDā€™s to get a basic understanding on how it might work.
  • Point System:
    You technically get ā€˜card pointsā€™ whenever you do what you are supposed to do, like paying on time and stuff like that. The points can then be redeemed for free money! You could create a system for how many points is equal to how much redeemed money!
  • Beginning Card Money:
    Usually, when you first ask for a credit card, the bank usually checks out your previous payments, like if you paid loans back on time or something. It would take a lot of work though to create all these other systems, so I would suggest just randomize a number between whatever numbers you choose, and use those numbers for the bank to figure out how much to give you. (ex: 150-275 points = 200$). You can even set a minimum point requirement, and if you donā€™t have it, the bank can reject it!

This will probably be a wiki because of 2 reasons.

  • 1: I really want to make an actual TUG, since those are usually a wiki.
  • 2: I also wanted all this stuff to pool together, so new users exploring this can have everything they need in one topic, instead of exploring other topics to fit their needs

Anyways, letā€™s get started!


Making the Card

Now, the first part is to give our credit card a limit. I chose 500, but you can pick a different number. For this, name your property moneyInCards and make it a number type.


This is pretty simple, now, in each part I will give a short explanation on what weā€™ll try to accomplish.

  • First, the most obvious, weā€™ll want to subtract the money from our card.
  • We also want to make sure that we donā€™t keep buying even when we reach out limit.

The block code is pretty simple so I shouldnā€™t have to explain anything.

The broadcast just opens a pop-up or notification saying that youā€™ve reached your limit.

Earning Money

Technically, you pay back using your money, so, weā€™ll recreate it.

  • Since we would have to design jobs (and itā€™s not the purpose of the guide), weā€™ll give our lovely gim here a steady income.
  • The money has to be updated whenever you pay back your owed money.

So, simple thing, make a property called yourMoney. Make it a number and set it to 0, or a beginning amount you want. Then, make a trigger that updates the property by a certain amount.

set property: yourMoney;
set value: yourMoney + 10;

Then you can just broadcast something that states your current amount, just so you can stay informed.


This is the biggest section of the guide, since the rest of the system involves interest. First, make a property called interestMinimumOwed. Make it a number property and set it to 0.


  • Have one section of the timer be for buying, paying, and whatever else. Have the other section be a warning to pay back owed money.
  • Identify if money is owed after timer is over and calculate interest and add it to owed money in total.

First, to make our timer, weā€™ll use a counter and trigger! (Embarrassing: For 4 days I couldnā€™t figure out how to use the trigger so I had to useā€¦ spasm shudder a repeater! :scream_cat: )

Step 1: Base of Timer
Now, QC, usually, you have a repeating cycle of 45 or so days. That is when you can do whatever you want with your card, buy, repay, like whatever. Then, another part is when you have to pay back any already owed back money. So the counter and trigger will represent this.

Make the starting of the counter, 25 or whatever number you want it to be. Have it decrement on timeUntilRepayment, before you ask, you can make a button, trigger or even use a life-cycle that transmits on it to start decrementing. Now, also make a trigger that triggers on the channel, and also broadcast on timeUntilRepayment. Set a delay of 1. Now, you have a counter that goes down to 0!

Now, the thing is, this counter does swell keeping track of how much time is left, but, if this was involved into a bigger map where you ran around and stuff, you would not be able to see how much time is left! Yet alone, if you wanted to broadcast on certain markers, you would also need a property to be updated!

Step 2: Make it seen everywhere
For this, the best option is to use an overlay! Make it a text type, visible on game start, and you can set it to whatever position you want!

Then, make a property called timeUntilInterest+Repayment, now, sorry if you were confused, but the + isnā€™t adding time, but itā€™s a combination of the time of whatever you want to do, and the time when you have to pay back. Anyways, make it a number property and set it to the value of your counter.

Remember our counter? Well, in the update property section, use that property to be updated.

Now make a block code section and put this in it.

Oh my! Look at all this block code! What does it all mean! Well, lucky for you, I can explain it, wonder how. :smirk:

Well, Iā€™ll break this down:

  • First, weā€™ll make a variable called interest+repayment that is the value of the property we just made earlier.
  • Now, our if/else if/else statement just examines the time and makes the text to it.:
    This if checks to see if the timer is above 10 sec, in that case, the text says that the time until repayment is the value of the property timeUntilInterest+Repayment.
    First Else/if:
    This else if checks if the property is equal to 10, then broadcast on a channel. What that channel does is that it sends a notification warning you on how much money you owe. Hereā€™s the calculation done.

Now, there are 2 calculations to be made.

  • First, we subtract the interest from the money in cards
  • Then we use that calculation to find the total owed money.

For the first one,

set property: moneyInCards;
set value: moneyInCards - interestMinimumOwed

Then, for saying how much much money you owe.

500 - moneyInCards

Second Else/if:
Now, this just checks if the counter reached negative 1, then it broadcasts on timeUntilRepayment, where it restarts our counter.
This just checks if the property is below 10, where it then says Time Until Interest instead, counting the time left.

Step 3: Calculating Interest
Now for the second part of code in the overlay! This ones a doozy so hold on tight!

Okay, so in the if statement, itā€™s checking if the timer reaches 0 And the moneyInCards is Not equal to 500. So, this means itā€™s checking if the timer is over and if you havenā€™t paid back everything.

The variable interestMinimum is the value of interestMinimumOwed
Now, for the calculation part, for solving it, we need a percentage, right? In this case, I choose 2, so 2/100 = .02, which is the same as 2%. Then, we want to multiple this by 500 - moneyInCards - interestMinimumOwed. So basically, letā€™s say that you used 200 dollars, and you forgot to pay back, so following normal calculations, you would get 4 dollars. Now, you owe 204 dollars, which would technically mean you have 294 dollars, instead of 300, see? Now, when you start paying back, thatā€™s 4 dollars extra! Hope that makes sense.

Now, we have to round, because not every number will be a whole number, we could come thing like 3.348888000003. So, we need to make a calculation to round it, so we make a variable called roundedCalculatedInterest, so, letā€™s take the number I just used, 3.348888000003. Now, we multiply it by 100, 334.8888000003, then we round it, 335, then divide it by 100, 3.35. See? The final thing to do is to see the interestMinimumOwed property to the rounded value of the variable.
Then we broadcast on failedToPay.

Then, for the notification or pop-up, just say something like,

set text: 
item 1: "You faiIed to pay! Now you have to pay $ "
item 2: get property interestMinimumOwed
item 3: " total!"

Paying Back Money

Now, the reason this isnā€™t going into money or interest is because itā€™s a combination of both, at least as far as I believe, and so itā€™s going to get its own section.

  • Pay back money in increments
  • Run statement to make sure we donā€™t over pay or under-pay
  • Make sure we also pay back owed money

Step 1: Paying back
Okay, this part is pretty simple, grab a button, have it say something like ā€˜Pay back $10ā€™, and then wire it to a trigger, make a block code in the trigger.

Step 2: Possible Outcomes
Now, there are a lot of different outcomes that we need to be watch out for.

  • Empty Pockets!:
    This one is the most simple, just check if your money - 10 < 0, then say, faiIed to pay.
    QC, you canā€™t pay back your owed money! So you would technically try waiting until you gained more money to pay back.
  • Normal Payment:
    Just check and see if when you pay back like 10 dollars, if itā€™s lower than 500 + interest, then add 10 to your card, and -10 to your money.
  • Over-Payer:
    If youā€™ve reached out limit but keep trying to pay back more, keep a lock on the cards, set the moneyInCards to 500, we donā€™t want our users to be sneaky!
  • Almost there!:
    Letā€™s say you only have to pay 4! But you can only pay in 10, increments! So, a simple fix for this is to add 500 - moneyInCards to moneyInCards, confused? Lemme explain, you owe only 4 dollars, meaning you paid 496, so it sets the value of the property like this, 496 + (500-496) = 496 + 4 = 500.

And your done! I really hope you enjoyed this guide, and like I said, Iā€™ll probably make this a wiki so that you guys can add more! Friends of Berk!

Only something coders will understand: Whatā€™s your favorite method for naming variable?
  • camelCase
  • underscors
  • hyphens
  • other:______ Put it in the poll!
0 voters

@Blackhole927, can you make it a wiki?

Is this even gimkit it is so confusing

Just read it
it is gimkit

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What should the difficulty be?
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  • 5/10
  • 6/10
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  • 11/10
0 voters

cool guide! :D

1 Like

Oh! I forgot about that! Thanks! :smile:

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Well maybe Iā€™m just idoitic bc i donā€™t get it I have a headache now (no offense @Toothless )

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None taken! I had a couple of times when even I went, ā€˜ā€˜uhh, what?ā€™ā€™ on my code. :smile:

bro this is so hard Iā€™m bad at blocks

Nice Guide!

Another thing is that those who are in charge of credit card companies areā€¦ they got their money from somewhere right? Like the souls of the innocent? So why not let them go into debt!

How to Make a Bank with Interest- Difficulty šŸŸ§ or 6.5/10

And then compound that debt! Make the poor poorer!



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Okay, done! Now, if anyone wants to add something thatā€™s been listed as ā€œThings to addā€. or you still have something new related to this, lemme know and Iā€™ll give you permission.

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Sorry, I didnā€™t see this until I finished editing, but I added a checkbox to avoid edit conflicts and I fixed where it said ā€œfai<j>ledā€.

anybody going to make this into a game I would play it I kind of understand it know

Really fascinating!

(Me pretending I have any idea how to use a block)

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Thatā€™s great! Iā€™m glad youā€™re starting to understand now, thatā€™s going to be something Iā€™ll do whenever I make a Guide with blocks in it, itā€™s important to explain it to others, so next time, they can put a spin on it instead of going, ā€˜eh, whatever, Iā€™ll just copy itā€™. :smile:

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yeah thatā€™s true @Toothless

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Wowee! That was fast! :astonished:

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yeah i just randomly check these every 20 minutes and when I check you were responding

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Congratulations on finally making your credit card guide!
I donā€™t have any likesā€¦ :broken_heart:

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