How to make a collector for tycoons

I tried to fine someone who did one and didnt find one, so im deciding to make one
(Also yes, i re-uploaded this, i messed up the first time, acidentally publishing it before i even finished)

first setup

You will need a counter and trigger


You will need to set the counter with a target, a goal of 0, and the name of the channel

For the trigger, set it up with a channel, then set up activate trigger with the target’s channel, and deactivate trigger, with the trigger’s channel

second step

Two triggers and a item granter


Set both triggers with a 0.5 delay

Set one trigger to deactivate with counter’s target channel and one to activate with trigger’s channel

Set the item granter with item needed and giving the player 1 of the item


Set both triggers to trigger each other when triggered

Set the trigger without the activation and deactivation to grant the item (if not done this way, it will break after the first go)

Wire up the one you step on to the one that grants the item it should be when trigged, trigger the trigger

I only know how to do this because i use to make tycoons, then i stopped making them because they were annoying to deal with and make

finished product

  • 1/10 difficulty
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  • 10/10 difficulty
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So, what is this supposed to be again?
A collector? what’s that?

Yes, thats exactly what it is

They were asking what a collector is. I’m also curious, what exactly are we making here?

If i’m right i think i know what they are! These are the collectors for tycoons like in Roblox (the more you wait the more money you have to collect!) @Bird & @Epi320

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Nice guide!

in some tycoon games, instead of the money going into your account or inventory , it goes into the collector and you have to go to it to claim the money.


Oh ok, that makes sense. Thanks you two.