How to make a clicker game! Difficulty 9/10 [ 🟥 ] WIP ish

It depends on what the owner thinks, so just go with what you think is best

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I made so much money and then a button showed up for me to bump stuff and I did so ya…


I’ve also made a clicker game and I want to know can you afk money

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I explain that in the CPS system part.


Made a game called “coral clicker” which inspired me to make my account, Thanks I used this guide, it was really helpful!


New to the forums, and I find this very helpful. However, I’m currently trying to make a tycoon-ish game where you use 4 different resources. Is there a way to make this but with multiple resources while also being memory efficient? There are 14 different bases in the game I am creating, and I am already at 48% memory. I may be open to showing pictures soon once I prepare a big reveal of what my game will be. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hmm, vending machines would help instead of triggers, I think you can make an are in the middle ( maybe a specific area) and o use less memory.
Edit : I meant zones and overlays


Welcome to the forum, @spikelord!

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Welcome to the forum, @spikelord!!!

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Welcome To the forums! We hope you’ll find it nice here, @spikelord !

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Welcome to the forum, @spikelord !!

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I am not sure, however, if you split all your upgrades where there are certain ones you have to use a single rescource, then you should be good. You could use a button, and a checker, along with a item granter for the reward. Block code is absolutely necessary.


Clicker Bumper:


two questions:

  1. why did you make all the properties into variables before doing operations on them?
  2. why is this 9.5/10 lol

nice guide tho!

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I followed this guide for Gim Jam 2023, and it was so easy, this was before I knew ANYTHING about block code

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Isn’t this a 4/10

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@ImAgimkitFan please don’t edit this guide.
It’s @VALUEX’s private property and he only made it a wiki to have an infinite editing time limit.


ok sorry about that.

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  1. I prefer converting properties into variables always(if applicable).
  2. Mainly because people voted 11/10 and 8/10 as a tie, so half is 9.5/10.


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Not really, kind of because of the extense of block code and game mechanism use. Also: it is mainly a high difficulty because of what people have voted, personally: it’s now more of a 6/10.

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