How to make a character have dialogue

Hey guys so I have a quick note to say to all reading this.
If you are NOT a Season Ticket Player or You don’t have the Season 2 Season Ticket this will NOT work for you.

As you may know gimkit made new devices witch are the Character Device and the Dialogue Device. Now it is very simple to make a Character talk with Dialogue. First simply go to devices search for character and place it down now just like senetrys you can change what they look like but lets just say I wanted the Adam skin I can select that and move along with my life. Once the Character is pleased go to devices again and search Dialogue then place the thing down. Next get a wire and connect the two together. Now you can click on dialogue and type a message once the message is ready then press play talk to your character and now he can interact and talk to players playing your game.

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which. Great guide, though. Maybe add some pictures? This feels like a word wall.

Remember, Pictures are powerful!
I’d also like to add for non season ticket owners, they are able to recreate dialogue with pop ups and other things. quite easily infact.

Oh, and also, non-season ticket holders can get someone who does, and copy it into the other player’s map.

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