What I mean is like in games such as tf2 and marvel rivals there’s modes where you push an objective down a path and the enemy team is trying to stop you. I have a rough idea on how to make that but any ideas on how to make it (and be memory efficient) would be appreciated. What I need help with is the scoring of it. Normally in those kinds of gamemodes, the way that the winner is measured is first by how far the objective was pushed, and then it’s measured by how long it took for each team to do it. Another thing I need help with is making the teams switch, making the map reset, and making the objective change the distance of how far it is for both teams at different times. It’s best comparable to the marvel rivals gamemode Convoy. It’ll also need to be swapped to after a separate mode is played, like Convergence (from Rivals.) anyone who can come up with something that I use in the final product of the game i’m making will be featured in the credits section, and the bigger the contribution, the bigger your name will be. Sorry if this is a big ask, and thank you if you even try.
(if there’s a guide i havent seen on this yet ima crash out bc i’ve looked for hours)
Use a counter that is activated by a trigger loop with a one second delay to make the timer. Make a zone at the end where it stops timer if the objective reaches the designated area.
If you want to reset the map you could restart the game or if the match is over have something that activates when the objective is reached and make it transmit a channel that deactivates everything. An objective could just be an overlay that is linked to a property that disables if the property amount reaches above, let’s say one. Hope this was useful! I’m not the best at coding in Gimkit.
There are some issues though, because zones cant detect which team the player is on when they enter the zone, so it could take a bit of memory for it to get the zone to detect which team’s player is in it, then make it push the objective. I’m going to try and experiment with player coordinates to see if i could use those in any way. (I just remembered checkpoints can be used to set spawnpoints, so the issue of setting spawns is taken care of.)
Instead of using relays that only relay messages TO teams, I could use wire repeaters that block messages coming from SPECIFIC teams. There will ony be teams 1 and 2 now, so by blocking the other teams, I’ll be able to measure how many people are pushing it at a specific place on a specific team.
we are so back
(your idea helped me to come up with wire repeaters so ty for that)
How about you have a property that is in contact with a coordinates so if your coordinates is near the cart it receives the coordinates and makes the other property one higher making the cart move. Have a repeater (trigger loop) make it every like 1-2 seconds to check.
The enemy part would be hard because in block code you have to put all of the players coordinates together therefor having a bunch of property’s but technically with enough you could have every player accounted for for there coordinates (max approximately 120 as 1200 memory 1.2% right there) you could have it so the first step repeated for everyone at the same time making the cart go farther for the players there.
Now the hardest part, telling if it was team one or team two. You can have a zone around the spawn pad so they are granted an item, then zone deactivates in 0.1 seconds. now that they are separated into two teams with an object you can just add a checker in the first step to push it your direction.
Therefore if three team 1 two team 2 it checks if there in proximity (Its yes I just told you that) and now it checks if they have red or green pepper, sorts the two with a checker pushes 3 forward and 2 backward because teams and slows to 1 pace because the game can subtract 3-2.
I really don’t want to make pictures for this, sorry if someone already had solution. I haven’t really read all comments.
problem, I remember hearing about a bug that had to do with zones where if you “got knocked out” in a zone, it wouldn’t detect that you left it, and that could cause huge problems in my map, as it could end up counting multiple people pushing the objective when there’s only one person because they keep “getting knocked out” in the zone. Has that bug been fixed?