How to make a button to answer questions

I want to make a overlay button used to answer questions and it grants you 20 snowballs

Game overlay with a channel that has the same channel to make you start answering question with a questioner


Overlay: Overlay Type, Button

Game Overlay Button Pressed → Open Question answering screen

Questioner: When question answered correctly transmit on: Snowball

Item Granter:
Item to grant, Snowball
Amount: 20
Grant when receiving on: Snowball

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Alright thanks I’ll,try it out

Try shadowdragons
He gave full detail
And i didnt

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Wait do you know how to make where it isn’t infinite snowballs?

Thanks man but do you know how to make it so it isn’t infinite snowballs

It’s in the Game Settings, click the button on the bottom left corner and go in to Map Options, go to Items category , set to [no infinite refills].


Thanks I’m working on a game so I need help rn

Do you know how to make a player spawn in a random place afrter going through a teleporter

dont put the name of it you can get flagged (you can only put the name of the map for thumbnail requests)

Yea that’s my question
Do you know how to make a player spawn in a random place afrter going through a teleporter

I suppose you can use a randomizer to do so:

Place down a zone, a Trigger, and three (I was using 3 as an example) Teleporters.

Zone (enter zone) → Trigger (trigger)

Make a randomizer inside the trigger, make it transmit on channel 1, channel 2, and channel 3 which were indicated with the randomized integer [1-3]

Now, go to the Teleporters:
Teleporter 1: teleport player here when receive on Channel 1
Teleporter 2: teleport player here when receive on Channel 2
Teleporter 3: teleport player here when receive on Channel 3

Edit: Oh nevermind, you made a new topic.