How to lose money and stop {HELP}

How to make people lose money then stop them from buying if they don’t have enough?

If I’m getting this correctly, you could just use a vending machine that requires an amount of something. If the player doesn’t have enough they can’t buy it. Hope this helps!

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but im saying like what if it was a button instead of a vending machine how to make the but activate when the money is good enough

trigger (when triggered) → Item granter (grant negative item)

now they won’t have enough to buy.


ik ik this is solved but.
there is a WAYYY better way to do this.
with a button wired to a vending machine . . .


Well, i did use this once
Even if they cant buy it
It technecally still purchases
Just puts you to 0 money

Now this is true, vending machines are wayyyyy better to use then item granters when buying something


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