How to divide players into two equal teams when you press a button?

I was talking about the “random int” block.

this is getting really complicated
:dizzy: :dizzy_face:

AHA but the post says How to divide players into two equal teams when you press a button?
but yeah, sorry didn’t know you were referring to mine

I know that. I was looking :eyes: for a solution to organize teams. Your design INSPIRED me!

Oky, 1rst of all u don’t show how to make that.

oh yeah
player enters zone - activate button
button pressed - switch teams

okay thank u for finally showing me steps. Konichiwa!

But mine’s more memory EFFICIENT

How about we calculate. :smirk:

Ima go home and cry
jk you win
lol right outside your wooden door

You calculate ur design and I calculate mine. Whoevers uses the least memory is the one that I will use.

But what’s cooler than pushing a button?
It’s like Star Trek

7+7+10+10+200+200+40+33=507 memory

what are the numbers
explain plz

Your method is limited because it only wrks for 1 team, not 2

Each number is a individual device. I added all the memory up.

why don’t you make two buttons
my tutorial was for only one team switcher
like you just make another

M. I see what you mean :thinking:

but what do you mean with the memory
like i never understood that my map used like 19%

1000 memory = 1% on the map
The totals

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