How to display a property (That could go up to 5 figures) in a Game Overlay?

I’m trying to make a Pizza Tower-esque map, and in the top left corner, I want to make a Total Score Property that displays how many points the player has gotten across the levels in that game. How could I show an updating score in a game overlay? How could I add 10, 100, or 1000 points when touching certain objects (most likely using a zone to detect when a player is really close to it, disabling it and adding those points in the same go) and losing 50 points when getting damaged by enemies as well? Thanks in advance, Fizzle

EDIT: I worded that wrong. I meant to say that I want to show a Total Score property in a Game Overlay that appears in the top left corner (whoops)
I also had an idea for the +10, +100, +1000, and -50 things. I already have the player set to one health. I could maybe make it where the player has a respawn point at wherever they walk/at the start of the level, and when they are defeated, it sends a message over a channel that subtracts 50 from the property. The same goes with touching something of the +10, +100, and +1000 values that activate when touching those small zones. Still need help connecting the Game Overlay and the Property together so the Game Overlay shows the Property’s total for that player. God bless : )

i am not sure on how to this but try putting the proptery on the game overlay
(but no way im making a pizza tower map too!)(finally someone knows what pizza tower is)

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Use something like this (blocks)

On behalf of @NotYoyo


Whenever that happens, use these blocks:

Set Property: "points"
Value: Get Property "points" + 50

Make the 50, or addition sign different depending on the situation.

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Well, I’d say this is solved. Thank you to @Bardy_2913 for figuring it all out. This thread will just be here now to be a reminder on how to do this.

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