Talking about forum politics is off-topic
You TL3 aren’t supposed to be off-topic
We can’t. We move them to another category.
I am moving most of the off topic to Help, as its pretty clear what Help is for.
I’ve stopped though, as I’ve realized it’s bumping the topics.
Still don’t understand how to make a numeric poll
For some reason I think you’re wrong,
now I’m going back to my swamp
@Bluey, please don’t start a flame war over tl3s doing their job.
Literally we’re trying to clean up a category that is trashed with off topic posts, and you think that Blackhole927 can deal with it all at once by himself? Yeah bud, think again.
didn’t blackhole tell you to learn what the flag button is already?
You need something?
bro you might think they are off topic but they are not
Can you help us gradually recatogorize things in devices? It’s a giant trash can for off topic things.
for some reason, I feel that you are wrong in multiple ways. I’ll tell ya why
- regulars are infact involved in categories, they can change topics to be in another category so they are quite involved in that
- one message being off topic and then stating that message to be off topic, that’s 2 off topic posts that’s hypocrisy I sense.
- TL3’s are some of the most TRUSTED people on the forums, I very much trust that @Slim would know what he is talking about here. also don’t appreciate that you act like TL3’s cant help deal with forum related issues, especially when that isn’t true.
- no one likes a mini-mod, please do what Blackhole said and LEARN WHAT THE FLAG BUTTON DOES.
( I don’t like telling people why they are wrong, it makes me have less fun. but if I feel I need to, I will.)
I agree with this. Regulars have more powerful flags, meaning it only takes 2 or three flags to hide a post, instead of a lot.
Let’s stop being off-topic and so we don’t ruin this guide.
ya cause it’s no longer allowed
I’ll start working on it too
i’m gonna get flooded with help topics
I moved a few, and they weren’t bumped.
Topics I moved some were bumped. Discourse is weird sometimes
Is it because your changing the title?
No, that wouldn’t do it.