How to become invincible when you press a button 3/10

its (almost) the closest you can get to actual invincibility in gimkit, since you can’t set the HP to infinity.

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What about checkpoints all over the map?

If thats true, then the “invincibility” won’t be too long because its trying to pack all the health at once.

(edit) The health granter grants when received on a channel or wire, so you could set up a timer and then add health a few at a time.


true invincibility is not being able to take damage.
there’s straight up having infinity hp, which isn’t true invincibility, but we can’t do that.
finally, there’s this, false invincibility, its more of an illusion of being invincible, because you can still get ko’ed by stuff that does over 10k dmg.

You would still be knocked out, even if you spawn in the same place. Plus, if you constantly get knocked out, you can’t go past the enemy.

I just added a bonus at the bottom check it out

Screen recording 2024-12-19 1.14.42 PM

I have a damager on repeat and a massive heal system.

Just something fun I found


30 million

and that folks, is the power of triggers


Lol repeaters are gone now

Lemme show you my setup

the health granters and damager are triggered by the trigger loop



pretty much what i expected.

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they were gone a year ago.

its the year anniversary of the original repeaters are useless PSA!

8 posts were merged into an existing topic: A List to All Devices With Limits!

Talk about that here y’all:

Let’s not clutter this post (sorry for being a little hypocritical).


uh, small problem.

it’s locked.

Hmmm, weird because nobody ever closed it and it hasn’t been flagged.
I see no harm in opening it. Just don’t get out of hand on it.

If you simply tested this in Gimkit, you would immediately realize it doesn’t work because health granters don’t take properties as parameters.



Pretty sure you could still be knocked out with enough players and damage multipliers.

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That’s true. Welcome to the forums, @superbenjamin36!