How to add Scope to Zones (0/10 or ⬜)

Here’s a tutorial on how to add scope to zones, so that you can deactivate zones for one player or team only!

Step 1

In the section of the zone you want to add scope to, add “Scoper” or something similar to the end of the channel. This is so that the zone doesn’t directly trigger the thing you want it to trigger. Additionally, remove the channel to deactivate the zone, as that is global scope, which is not what we want.

Step 2

Place down a trigger. Set the trigger to trigger on the changed channel from above (whatever you had before + scoper), and to transmit on the original channel that the zone sent.

Step 3

Go to the “Availability” section of the trigger, and set the scope to player or team, whichever you prefer. Set the trigger to deactivate on the channel that originally deactivated the zone.

And there you have it!

  1. For my mario kart game I have just a bunch of triggers with player collision on instead of a zone to solve this problem, I should probably change that tbh. ↩︎


It’s pretty good! I like how you added pictures which would make it easier for people to do. If I could like your topic I’d like it but I ran out of likes so… You know what I’m saying.


Nice guide! This will be useful to new gimkit creative users!


Great Guide!
The only problem for this, is that the title has 0/10 or :gray-square:
Change the “-” to “_”


I’d like to bump this with an addition:
You could use a checkpoint instead of a trigger if your game doesn’t use checkpoints, however I do not recommend this unless you really dislike triggers.

Bump to celebrate @NoNoWahoo getting Aficionado :D

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Thanks! It’s been a fun 3 months, and I’m going to try and get the 365 consecutive day achievement, then touch some grass.

  1. You saw I got the achievement before I did :clap: ↩︎


great guide. Will help with tag/shooter games

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