How to add a dev mode (like admin)

This has many uses! For example shutting down code sharing servers

So i havent seen this before soooooo

You will need:
3x teleporters
1x item giver (optional)
1x speed modifier (optional)
1x health modifer (optional)
2x trigger
1x property (optional)

  1. Make a little room that has no entry points (all sides are walls)

  2. Place two teleporters, one will be the entry teleporter and one will be the exit teleporter

  3. Set the property to be something like: devmodetriggeringplayer

  4. Place the trigger outside of the box.

  5. Open the blocks and make a when triggered block

  6. Here you will need a bit of stuff… here are all the blocks you will use:
    1x if-do
    1x =
    2x text
    1x broadcast message on channel
    1x triggering player name

  7. plug the triggering player name and a text block into the = block.

  8. Connect the = block to the If-Do as a IF

  9. On the Do section, add a broadcast message on channel, then connect a text box to that.

These last 3 steps will run a check on the players name to see if it is allowed to access dev tools, it should look like the following image:

  1. Go back to the teleporters, choose one to get teleported to and one to teleport out.

  2. Set it so that the player who is the dev to be teleported to said teleporter. This will be under channels. (Ie. The channel i chose was allowdevmode so i will type that in)

  3. Throw down the tools you will have access too (overpowered gadgets, speed, health) and connect that to a trigger

  4. Wire the trigger to the tools so that wgen triggered you will be given the powers

  5. Go to the other teleporter, and select a target group.

  6. Go outside the box and place the final teleporter. Give this teleporter the target group of the last teleporter.

  7. Celebrate!

If it doesn’t work lmk.


search before you post. there are like 9 guides on this :skull:

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It’s fine man

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Explanation: 0/10
Please explain how each system works and what it does
Rarity: 2/10
This has been done several times before as pointed out by Coderdash, next time make something that hasn’t already been done before
Fun: 3/10
Add some jokes, a special guest, make it more fun to read
Pictures: 1/10
You have one picture, however it seems to be very bad quality and you should use screenshots, vice pictures of your laptop.
Effort: 2/10
This seems more like you tried to make a guide as quick as possible. You should slow down, think of a more unique system. Then when you actually write the guide, put effort into what you need to say not just put a bunch of 1-16 numbers
Spelling and Grammar: 9/10
The grammar and spelling seems fine.
Formatting: 1/10
Next time use


bars, - - -

one of the

three different types

of headings

to make the guide easier to read.

Overall: 2.1/10
Use the points above to make this guide better.

I feel like i would use bars often

So a 3.1 from me

Okay, sorry i dont have every computer format remembered bru