How do you skip lines in block text


there’s GOTTA be a way though

maybe invisible characters or something???

I think you would need 2 text devices or shrink it enough

Like shrink it and turn up the font size

That wasn’t what he meant…

Houston, we have a problem.

There is no text limit per line. It just stretches to the end of the screen, because of course it does!

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And you can’t do multiple overlays, since the first one triggered just stacks over the other.

oh joy.

Actually, there is, if you put 99999999999999 spaces it will text wrap!

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oh. great!

this is sarcasm.


Like it actually takes 100 trillion spaces for it wrap?

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No, exaggeration
I found it out when I was trying to revive my shield and health bar removing system

how did you put in so many spaces though

Maybe copy something


Does a text block even limits???

im testing rn
gotta get some unicode in woo (i hate unicode)

Join text block. That is how. I then duplicated it over and over.

update: empty space does nothing

Don’t think you can do that.


im trying thoooooo

quick update: unicode line feed character doesnt do anything either

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Then use an empty space character, gimkit doesn’t recognize them as spaces, that’s what I used.