How do you make spikes

how do you make spikes with anything in gimkit pls help.

I would use barriers and zones and connect the zone to a damager

if you need more write, if everything is marked as solved


no i just need spike no damger

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is it a platformer?

oh then just use barriers and make them the correct shape or use props


I think the cone prop would work well.

idk how to do that

no i need to be one color

2024-09-17 5.33.06
90 degree rotated barrier, dark metal sign, and triangular symbol text could all work.


how did you make that?

but i know how to the first one…

Both metal sign and cone (maybe other prop with sharp angles) could work as spikes, I tinted them into black color. for the 3rd one, I just copy-and-pasted this symbol:

thank you im done here today byeeeeeeeee.

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Darnit, Came in to help and i came in and witnessed the post say the solution

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no problem.

bro became a witness lol


for extra you could use zones to actually make the spikes damage you

or triggers, both could work very well.