I want players that get shot and lose become spectators in the game.
Couldn’t you do a KO manager wired to a team switcher, so when the player is knocked out, they are switched to spectators?
can you explain how to do that
knockout manager set to when knocked out set to team: spectator
when i knockout someone, i go to spectator mode
i want it so when i knockout someone, they go into spectator mode
Try switching out the KO manager for a lifecycle set to player knocked out then?
Did you edit the team switcher settings correctly?
You need a lifecycle device and change it to when the player is knocked out. Then make it broadcast and the channel connected to a counter. When the channel is broadcast make the counter go up. When it reaches its target of 1 make it broadcast a channel to a team switcher.
You shouldn’t need the counter. You just need a lifecycle device listening for player knocked out that sends a channel to the team switcher, it will still do the same function.