How do you make a medallion?

I am making Gimnite and want to add medallions from my own bosses like Bolt the speed medallion and Tank the damage and health medallion(you are slower).

Can you please elaborate?

Like so you can be tracked on a map and have the medallions power.

What do you mean by that?
I dont play Fortnite.

Like if you hold the medallion you are faster or stronger.

have a checker check for the item which if the check passes it gives you speed and it triggers a tracker device*

*gosh what was it called


Well to be tracked on a map, you can set a relay to all players and link that to a waypoint i guess.

yeh a waypoint,

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Hmm I wonder.

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Use my guide How to make a medallion (super easy!) [ 🟩 ] - #13 by Neon11


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