Just what it says. I need help with this.
Put a barrier over it thats not active on game start. When button is pressed, activate barrier!
But the button is non-visible.
You can also grab a counter, make its target value 1, and starting value 0. When button pressed, increment counter. When target value reached, disable button!
Make the barrier not visible
I think there’s a “deactivate button on channel” option. Don’t know off the top of my head though.
A table is covering the button, and the button is labeled “eat”.
I would recommend the counter method then.
Okay. I’ll try and then get back to you.
It worked. Thank you for all the help.
It’s simple just wire a button to a trigger, saying to “trigger” the trigger when pressed and the. Trigger to button, and then when triggered, disable button
See my guide here:
Exploring and Investigating the capabilities, of… The trigger!
Yay! Happy to help. Good luck with your game!
There is a better way to do this.
Make the button transmit on X Channel when pressed, and make it deactivate when received on X Channel.
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