How do you make 1st Person POV cutscenes?

I’m trying to make it to where when you’re in a closet in Doors, you can see Rush past by, but idk how to make it into 1st person. Any ideas, fellas?


Use a camera point after getting inside the closet and make a animation to represent rush


Yeah, but how do you make a camera point zoom in? I’m not sure this is possible…:expressionless:


I think you could just use a camera view for that


OOOOOH. Lemme try that! That’s actually really smart…

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Nope…because the camera view can’t be deactivated

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Welp, i tried helping… :+1:

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Thanks for trying anyway!

For Da Devs

Pls make this a device! Like a Camera POV device PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


It couldn’t happen since the POV is only in 3D games

It means to simulate 3d not actually make a 3d game

Well, DANGIT! Oh, well…

First person cutscenes sounds pretty reasonable to make. You just need to visualize the scene well enough with depth and shadows to give off a 3D effect.

Not sure what help you are exactly looking for by asking how to make the cutscene.


its easy just make the person tp to a room with a moving animation but most of it is covered by closet so you see only through slit


make sure the gim is covered up

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OOOOH! That’s actually a really good idea.

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explain me

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you can redo solutions if needed
and or undo solution if you need more help

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like @Blackhole927 said, nothing is impossible, or should I say gimpossable, it prolly isn’t known yet, so instead say that you don’t know or maybe say about code or maybe say it’s not solved yet or like me, you need to wait until maybe they get the right devices. so pls don’t say it’s impossable, and don’t do it for me, do it for @Blackhole927 .

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non of this is impossible


It’s kind of easy if you are a gk veteran.