How do you get the vortex and echo symbols in your game? ᵖˡˢ ʰᵉˡᵖ

I need them for a map. If you cant get them in your game, then is there any other way to do it? (Ex. barrier art or prop art)

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I think you can get them with the item image device. A lot of people forget about that update…

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let me check…

It didn’t work :frowning:

It’s not in there? I’m surprised…
Edit: :roll_eyes: Ran out of replies

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Yeah vortex and echo symbols aren’t able to be put into the game at this moment…
You could use other things like barriers, emojis, and props to simulate that though!

Please mark a solution if you found your answer!

I also asked this, so maybe there is a way to do it with prop/barrier art?

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can someone please help? sorry for being impatient. :frowning:

ya can’t


No, you cannot do that unless if it’s barrier or prop art.

It would take HOURS and HOURS to do that though.


No, at this stage of GKC you can’t include the Vortex and Echo symbols. Please mark a solution.

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Use this guide or this website


I forgot about whatever that acronym was kinda art! I’ll use that, and thank you!!!

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also, how do you get regular, just curious?

Spend a lot of time and consecutive days on the forum. Get posts that have likes and solve help topics. You will get it naturally if you’re committed. Just don’t worry about it