How Do you do this? Among us

I was making A among us map. When I came across This other among us game by gimposta in the popular section of gimkit discovery. I want to know how to make The screen you get when you get a role and the task counter. Please help.

Have you checked out this tag? I’m willing to bet it has a guide on what you’re looking for somewhere.

Can you try playing the actual game in gimkit discovery?

Uh, you cannot link it here because that’s advertising, so no to that question I think…?

To get a random role just create a randomizer that randomly chooses a role for each player. Make sure it broadcasts on the channels a crewmate or imposter would get. The pop-up should be linked up to that channel and will appear when that channel is broadcasted and will be different for crewmates and the imposter. The task counter would be an overlay linked up with a number property and a counter. Go to the block code in the overlay and create text that has the property’s value under it. Go to the counter and make it increase each time a task is completed.

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Ok, Sorry @Halloween_Coster

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