How do you add a custom npc?

Welcome back to the forums! However, please don’t necropost.

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Why I was bored of gimkit for a while and now i’m making a game

I was not using my account for a while

Welcome back @Erin_Sonic_Fan10!

its not the best, but what I did on my map was use barriers to make custom gims. If you were to do that, I have to warn you it’s really hard just to make the basic gim. For example:
Yes, I know it’s creepy, but at least you can use sentries. The sentries with cool skins…
But yeah, that’s what I did and tried…soo…

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You can use this ⬮ symbol in a black text device for the eyes


And for the body if you rotate it.

I think I remember this post from before my hiatus. LOL :grin:

I can’t believe how many people from the 1st month left so quickly. :wink:

you can set the sentry to be on your own team (if no teams then team 1), and so it wont zap you