How do you add a cool down?

I was testing my map but the healing ability has no cool down! :frowning: how do I add a cool down to a game overlay

Use triggers and another game overlay

use this guide, but for your healing ability:
Mini Guide: How to make a Timed Sprinting Mechanic
or one of the 9000 other guides about this lol

I wish I had used the forums back when I made a cool down.
I figured it out.
After a week.

connect a (I guess I have to Sorry) repeater to the channel that the overlay transmits on and then connect repeater to a counter and make the number it reaches the amount of seconds you want it to be and then re transmitt it to the overlay for it to show again. something like that

But yeah, there are lots of guides about almost everything, I suggest looking b4 posting(no offense tho)

its so random…


this guide was made by me (i think it’s obvious) and it will be perfect for you. and please search before posting a new topic


Why is it random? I use it, and it works for me just set the trigger with a delay (if more then 60 seconds, use more then 1 trigger) and set it to trigger the game overlay with the ability, yet just set the game overlay to the other trigger and set that trigger to hide the abilty and show the cooldown and set it to trigger the trigger with the delay, its not that bad

Well, that’s another matter, now it’s at least clear what you wanted to say with these 2 words, do you understand what I mean?)

cool, but I don’t understand (jk, I am just bored)

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