How do i work the buttons like it SPIKE's super gim bros game?

i can’t figure out how to work these buttons for the map with most votes teleports all players there?

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It looks like you want to create a voting system. Follow something in voting ?
I’m not experienced with this sorry

Probably want to hide the code

I got on his map by the way

How to make a list of who has pressed a button! :yellow_square: - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative

doot doot doot, what’s this we have here?
DO. RESEARCHCHCHCH before posting a topic(not tryna sound mean)


Me to I was on the game
no more of topic thoe

No being off-topic pls

Code sharing ?
@kirbyking and @Ghost249, you can get flagged y’know?

I am not sharing codes he is and thats and off-topic

Ok, then flag him ig(code sharing is against rule)


those wire’s be lookin fire. lol


someone just shared a coooode

Please do not share codes. If you want to share codes, post a link to another platform in your bio.

i have tried tho they dont work for me

just make it so they all have a target on the counter so when you step in zone the counter increases and once it has the most votes then it should then be connected a teleporter
And then a checker I think could possibly check for which number is higher

W guide my friend

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