So I’m making an NPC, and i checked all the actions but it still says “Hello.”
If anything is linked to the dialogue group, it will always be there until you remove the dialogue action or change the group.
You have to change anything that’s with the dialogue device.
I checked everything.
I can’t do it or see the settings because I don’t have money to get the pass so can you show me the settings
try putting like a space in action 2, it may just be thinking that theres nothin in it so It says hello, but idk, I haven’t used a dialogue device yet
Okay thank you for that you might have to place a dialogue device and show me that. oh okay
Those are the dialogue settings
Yeah that might work. Did it work?
Are there more settings?
Try deleting the HI! on #1 and putting something else in. Speaking of putting now I want pudding D:
So looking at this → [1]
try replacing the word Hi. try replacing it with the word or sentence you want
This is probably because that since there’s nothing on “Action 2”, it’ll put on “Hello!” as default.
Maybe you have a dialogue action device linked to the dialogue
I tried that but it also doesn’t work