How do I publish a map with career points

I don’t know how that works so could someone explain it to me because I want to publish a map with my career levels

do you mean like the career levels

You’ll have to wait until you’re at least level 50 on the Gimkit platform, so I’d suggest doing some XP grinding if you’re not quite there. However, note that this is over your whole account, not per season.


I believe your talking about gimcoins?

Yea that’s what I meant

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Just grind to level 50 and save 1000 gimcoins. Unless you have ST.

oh than ya just grind levels like turtle said

Im level 67 rn and I’ve gotten to 100+ per season.

The publish button is in the settings when you log into your creative map.

Then you should be all good. You’ll also need to pay 1,000 Gimbucks.

Yea I know that but there’s 2 options it says 1000 gimcoins or 50+ career levels

Ohh ok thanks Turtle.

No, you have to fulfill both of them. Sorry!

You need both of them.

Yeah no problem. Everything on that list should be good then.

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