How do I make sentrys unable to hit the players but tplayers be able to hit them?

How do I make sentrys unable to hit the players but tplayers be able to hit them? I want to make an xp grinder to level up easier

Killing sentries will not give you xp in GKC

Just use godmode so you can never die:

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Or you can use zone to were gaget fire is not allowed so you can place sentries but they cant shoot.

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That doesn’t work. Zones no longer affect sentries. :sob:

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They probably used @Coral’s guide. Here’s the link:


oooh an in game xp that makes sense thx

That’s just for god mode against other players. You can just have a trigger giving you health regen.

Is it ok if I change the title to “Sentry Question” to make it shorter? Also, you can place a no gadget fire zone over the sentry.

I don’t think zones work with sentries any more, correct me if I’m wrong

You do not get exp from anything but questions in GKC but you can change the sentries team to be on the same as the players, and make a new one appear every second with a repeater

You are, sadly, right!

Oh yeah! I’m wrong!

See linked post:

It’s really sad though!

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