So, you break a prop using a gadget, then you want it to respawn. If you use the " Show prop" it doesn’t work
you cant? I might be wrong tho
i guess a 2ed prop with a timer to spawn ofter the 1st one breaks
It is for a puzzle where you break a prop and then have to run to another room and press a button. You have 10 seconds and if you don’t make it in time, the prop respawns and you have to do it again.
You can’t “respawn” a prop after it is destroyed by the player, but here are two alternative ways to do this:
- Place down two props together in the same place (prop 1 and prop 2), prop 1 is deactivate on game start and prop 2 is activate on game start, make the prop 1 activate when the 10 seconds passed.
- Instead of destroying the prop, make it deactivate when you pressed the button.
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