How do I make "places" for a racing game?

How to make it to where it shows if you are…let’s say…second place, how would I do that?

Add a zone, and have it that when the player enters a zone, it updates a counter and a property, and maybe a pop-up afters saying “You got -get property- place!”

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You can also do it do that when player enters zone, there is a notification that pops up!

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I agree, that might be better, because a pop-up will just take up the whole screen.

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Thats what i was thinking :slight_smile:

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That would be for end of game, I mean when you’re running and you want to see what place you are currently in.

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Did you get an answer?
Or would you like more?

No, still waiting!

How to make a game feature that shows you your current place mid game???

You can use an overlay

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Like attatch it to the zone

Lets say you have multiple.
Make the first zone activate overlay 1

Make the 2nd zone deactivate the 1st overlay, and activate the next overlay, overlay 2. There ya go!

Just let me know if you don’t understand, I know it might be confusing! :slight_smile:

Yea, it’s a little confusing! Is it possible for you to add pictures?

Ill try, im on mobile though…

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Okie, take your time!

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Hmmmm, how do I explain…

Okay, this is Overlay1. Wire a zone to it.
player enters zone <> activate overlay
In this case, Overlay1

Okay, now the player enters the second location, ir in this case Zone2. Wire Zone2 to Overlay1 like this:
player enters zone (Zone2) <> deactivate Overlay1
Now, wire Zone2 to another overlay, Overlay2. Just like this:
player enters zone (Zone2) <> activate Overlay2

I really hope this helps
Maybe @G-Code549 can help

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Make a global property called “PlaceToAssign” and make a player property called “PlayerPlace”
Whenever the zone is crossed, make the player property the value of the PlaceToAssign property and increment same property by 1 after that.

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I’ll try it, thanks for the suggestion!

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Yes, hope I was able to be of your assistance! :slight_smile:

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Oh, and don’t forget to deactivate the zone once it is crossed by one person.
the deactivation should be playerscoped



Yea, now my brain hurts

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Here, take a look at scope: