How to make it to where it shows if you are…let’s say…second place, how would I do that?
Add a zone, and have it that when the player enters a zone, it updates a counter and a property, and maybe a pop-up afters saying “You got -get property- place!”
You can also do it do that when player enters zone, there is a notification that pops up!
I agree, that might be better, because a pop-up will just take up the whole screen.
Thats what i was thinking
That would be for end of game, I mean when you’re running and you want to see what place you are currently in.
Did you get an answer?
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No, still waiting!
How to make a game feature that shows you your current place mid game???
You can use an overlay
Like attatch it to the zone
Lets say you have multiple.
Make the first zone activate overlay 1
Make the 2nd zone deactivate the 1st overlay, and activate the next overlay, overlay 2. There ya go!
Just let me know if you don’t understand, I know it might be confusing!
Yea, it’s a little confusing! Is it possible for you to add pictures?
Ill try, im on mobile though…
Okie, take your time!
Hmmmm, how do I explain…
Okay, this is Overlay1. Wire a zone to it.
player enters zone <> activate overlay
In this case, Overlay1
Okay, now the player enters the second location, ir in this case Zone2. Wire Zone2 to Overlay1 like this:
player enters zone (Zone2) <> deactivate Overlay1
Now, wire Zone2 to another overlay, Overlay2. Just like this:
player enters zone (Zone2) <> activate Overlay2
I really hope this helps
Maybe @G-Code549 can help
Make a global property called “PlaceToAssign” and make a player property called “PlayerPlace”
Whenever the zone is crossed, make the player property the value of the PlaceToAssign property and increment same property by 1 after that.
I’ll try it, thanks for the suggestion!
Yes, hope I was able to be of your assistance!
Oh, and don’t forget to deactivate the zone once it is crossed by one person.
the deactivation should be playerscoped
Yea, now my brain hurts
Here, take a look at scope: