How do I make name-specific notifications?

I need a name specific notification system, so how would I do that? For example I’m trying to get a notification to say -Name 1- Has reached blah blah blah but idk how to do it.

Moving this to Help. It fits better in there.

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Its actually pretty simple!

Lemme write a guide real quick

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I found to use wires and a notification device and code blocks but that’s all I found

Do you want to send notification to everyone when a certain player reached a checkpoint?


If yes:

Checkpoint (checkpoint reached) → Notification (run wire pulse block)

Go to notification settings, make sure the notification is sent to everyone once they are sent, then, go to Block.
The codings:

where x is your preferred Summit number.


So like this?

and Gimslayer, you can still write the guide and I’ll just use one of you s solution so other ppl can still see the guide.

Correct, this will work :)


How to make the notification say the olayer’s name

"step 1

Add a notofication device, and click into blocks

step 2

Add a block that is “on wire pulse…”

[details=“step 3”]
After you made a new block click the “for this device” category

step 4

Drag out the block from that category

there should only be one

step 5

Then click the essentials category and drag out the block that is “triggery players name”

step six

Put that block next to the forst block you dragged out it should click next to the “title” of the first block

step 7

Lastly drag out a text block from the text category and type in what you want. Then snap the block next to “content” of the first block you put in

connect whatever you want to the notification and the wire should be
… send wire pulse block


… means whatever the first option for the device ur using. button, zone, checkpoint, etc

should look like this when done and credits to not yoyo for this pic

This explanation is incomplete and hard to understand.

What is it that you dont understand

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