I’m trying to make a city-like game where you have to go to “work” to earn money. What I want to do is make it so you have to push and hold down a button for a few seconds multiple times, then the item is granted. I already have it so you can press the button and it gives you 1 cash, but I want to make it so you must press and hold it 5 times before the item is granted. All suggestions/ideas appreciated! Thank you for reading!!
ok, so when u clickbutton, increment counter. then, put a target value on counter, once reach target, give money
First get
- Property (Number)
- trigger
- whatever your task is
Whatever your task is → Trigger
Inside the trigger (blocks)
@Epi320 = better way.
hmm, another aprouch.
counters and buttons are more begginer friendly than blocks and properties though
Hmm right but he wants it when the player completes a task
You way is still better.
OHH yeah good point!
i think two counters will be better, but your way definently has its perks.,
This doesn’t give a rewind system…
Needless memory.
Button/Overlay → Increment Counter (Target number 5)
Counter (Target number reached) → Item Granter (Grant Item)
Counter (Target number reached) → Wire Repeater (Delay 0.1)
Wire Repeater → Reset counter
Wow! How do you get to the blocks? I haven’t been on for a while so I didn’t even know they added code LOL. I’ve been doing robotics for a couple years now and I’ve been coding on scratch for a while so that could be very helpful! Thanks
wait i missed something…
Click on the device, and it’s a button in the top-left corner…
I just like to waste memory… Don’t judge me >:(
Reset system, sorry.
Notification devices have lower memory and have blocks.
OHHHH It makes sense now- I wasn’t paying any attention to the wires LOL Thank you!!!
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