How do I make it so that something happened when each player is standing on one trigger?

I need to make it so that and channel is sent when 2 players are standing on different triggers simultaniously.

@Gimkitsuggestor would probably know this.

try a t/f property? and if the property is true it send a signal.

Maybe, but how do I integrate the trigger standing into that? Also true-false properties are memory-inefficient, you have to update them through blocks. So I’d just use a number property where 0 = false and 1 = true. that can be updated with a counter.

Zone entered → increment counter (target 2)
Zone left → Decrement counter (target 2)
Yeah, that should work @Grahamathan15


@Here_to_help , do you mind the ping?
Maybe she can help you

Yeah, that’ll probably work! I was trying to avoid zones due to the high memory cost, but it does make more sense. Thanks!

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