How do I make an energy per question upgrade

I want to have this for my Tower defence game I have a questioner so I can play it for school

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You mean a question streak?


no energy per question
I don’t know why I put multiplyer

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is it possible to make that in a 2d mode?

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Wire the vending machine to activate a questioner that gives more energy.

PS: I think there is another way using properties to make it go up efficently no matter what vending machine you purchase from


You mean like Tag: Domination.


yes that is what I mean

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Ok use the guide above or try this.
Screenshot 2023-11-10 7.48.16 AM

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The link doesn’t work, the guides from the old forum were only valid till about mid-june where they got deleted due to an incident in the old forum.


link is not working it wants me to sign in and it keeps telling me invalid email or password
didn’t see Haiasi’s comment I thought it was only me

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yea I didn’t see your comment sorry

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I am at school I will test it later if it works I will mark solution


So what do you mean blocks I cant find any of those,Im tryna create a capture the flag game and I want to add a vending machine that makes the players get more energy if they answer a question

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For example if you go to a trigger you will find a blocks section. The create a new block and start coding.

Also welcome to the Forum.

ty! im goign to try it ill update u then



Okay so it doesnt really show any of the other blocks

Is there any other way i might be able to do it